Technical Committee
The Technical Committee is essential to the REDcert schemes. It defines the principles and contents for the respective certification scheme and develops the schemes, taking into account the interests of all affected economic groups. The Technical Committee has to advise the executive management in the areas entrusted to it. The working methods of the Technical Committee are defined in the Rules of Procedure (RoP), where potential conflicts of interest and how they are handled are also addressed. The executive management must listen to the Technical Committee prior to decisions in the areas of responsibility transferred to this Technical Committee and must provide reasons for decisions made against the recommendations of the Technical Committee vis-à-vis the shareholders. The members of the Technical Committee must have sound knowledge and technical and professional expertise in all of the economic areas covered by the respective certification scheme (REDcert-EU or REDcert²) and have to be familiar with the rules of the REDcert system and other branch related certification schemes (quality management, environmental management, energy management). To meet these requirements, there is a Technical Committee for the REDcert-EU scheme and a Technical Committee for the REDcert² scheme for the chemical industry. Representatives from the sciences, government authorities and non-governmental organisations are involved when necessary. The members appointed by the shareholders to the Technical Committees represent the various process steps and economic sectors included in the respective REDcert scheme.
The Technical Committee of REDcert-EU convenes when necessitated by events.
A list of the members of the REDcert-EU Technical Committee you can find here.
The Technical Committee of REDcert² for the chemical industry convenes semi-annually.
Sanctions Committee
The REDcert Sanctions Committee is the committee established in the ‘sanction system’ of the REDcert certification schemes to penalise non-compliance with certification scheme requirements.
The Sanctions Committee is an independent, neutral committee of REDcert. It is comprised of 3 members in which one member is a lawyer who is qualified to hold the office of judge. The members of the Sanction Committee come from the economic groups involved in the production chain or their industry organisations and are appointed by the shareholders. They have sound knowledge and technical and professional expertise in all of the economic areas covered by the certification schemes and are familiar with the rules of the REDcert schemes and other branch-related certification schemes (quality management, environmental management, energy management) but do not have potential conflicts of interests as a result of either former or current job related activities. Any sanctions imposed by the Sanctions Committee are implemented by REDcert GmbH.
The Sanctions Committee convenes when necessitated by events.
A list of the members of the REDcert Sanctions Committee you can find here.