Your individual contacts at REDcert
To make sure you know who to contact with your questions, we would like to briefly introduce ourselves:
Peter Jürgens
Phone: +49 228 35 06 101
Peter Jürgens is the Managing Director of REDcert GmbH and is available to answer your general questions about the REDcert schemes. He is also responsible for the approval of certification bodies and auditors.
Philip Blömeke
Phone: +49 228 35 06 115
Mr. Blömeke is available to answer your questions about the REDcert scheme contracts, Nabisy applications and the Union database. He is also responsible for the REDcert² scheme for Food and Feed.
Kathrin Gerstendörfer
Phone: +49 228 35 06 126
Kathrin Gerstendörfer is responsible for the administation of the scheme participants and certification bodies.
Hilke Kahn
Phone: +49 228 35 06 107
Hilke Kahn is responsible for PR/communication, training/events and logo use and is available to answer general questions about the REDcert schemes.
Dr. Simon Schwarzwald
Phone: +49 228 35 06 129
Simon Schwarzwald is available to answer any questions you may have about the REDcert² scheme for the chemical industry.
Timo Winkelmann
Phone: +49 228 35 06 118
Timo Winkelmann is available to answer any questions you may have about the REDcert² scheme for the chemical industry.